Foods for Flu Prevention

Foods for Flu Prevention

We hear a lot about flu prevention this time of year, and for good reason. Although the flu season begins in October, flu activity peaks in the wintertime, resulting in about 200,000 hospitalizations a year. Since seniors are at a much higher risk of suffering severe...
Eating for Diabetes

Eating for Diabetes

Diabetes has become a growing problem in the United States, especially with the senior population. On average, type 2 Diabetes is diagnosed around 53 years of age, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control. While the CDC estimates that over 29...
Build Up Healthy Bones with a Healthy Diet

Build Up Healthy Bones with a Healthy Diet

It’s no secret that a well-balanced diet is a key component of healthy aging, but a lesser-known fact is that our bodies lose the ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals as we age. Although many of us take them for granted, our bones — just like any...
Eating Your Way To A Better Brain

Eating Your Way To A Better Brain

If you think of your body as being a machine that requires fuel for survival, would you want to give it regular gas or premium gas? While feeding your body “regular gas” can keep it running, it’s more likely to break down on you over the years than if you were to feed...