Eat A Heart Healthy Diet With Fiber

Eat A Heart Healthy Diet With Fiber

Heart disease is shocking. Not because it’s so rare or mysterious, but because it is responsible for roughly 1 in 3 American deaths. The American Heart Association estimates that 2300 Americans die every day as a result of cardiovascular disease, which amounts to...
How to Combat Vitamin D Deficiency This Winter

How to Combat Vitamin D Deficiency This Winter

Vitamin D deficiency is an incredibly common problem for most Americans, especially seniors. Many members of the Greatest Generation felt the effects of Vitamin D deficiency, which has been linked to childhood wellness issues like rickets, a debilitating bone disease....
Pros and Cons of Fad Diets

Pros and Cons of Fad Diets

Fad Diets are a lot like Reality TV stars. No matter how objectionable they may seem, they have a tendency to become extremely popular. And like Reality TV stars, most Fad Diets are old news after just a few short years in the spotlight. Of course, just because a diet...
Low-Calorie Snack: Mini Spinach Calzones

Low-Calorie Snack: Mini Spinach Calzones

Looking for a low-calorie snack that also has some health benefits? We’ve got just the recipe: mini-spinach calzones. While they may be small, they pack a lot of punch in the flavor and health department. As the cartoon Popeye taught us, spinach is a super-food that...