The Connection Between Heart and Brain Health

The Connection Between Heart and Brain Health

There’s no denying that the mind is a powerful tool. Even as early as 19 B.C., the phrase “mind over matter” was used to describe how one’s willpower can overcome physical obstacles. But when it comes to your overall health and well-being, you should not think of the...
The Very Real Risk of Heart Disease in Women

The Very Real Risk of Heart Disease in Women

It’s not uncommon to see and hear a lot about hearts all throughout the month of February. And it’s not just because of cupid! In addition to celebrating Valentine’s Day, February is also American Heart Month, which calls attention to the fact that an adult suffers a...
Remembering Pearl Harbor

Remembering Pearl Harbor

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States’ entry into World War II. Understanding our history, and honoring the men and women who helped us power through the last World War, is an important part of navigating the future....
Remembering Florence Henderson

Remembering Florence Henderson

Like the rest of the nation, we here at Medical Guardian were devastated to hear about the passing of beloved actress Florence Henderson on November 24, 2016, due to heart failure. Although sudden, she was surrounded by the family and friends to whom she showed...