New Study: Shingles May Be A Stroke Predictor

New Study: Shingles May Be A Stroke Predictor

You may have noticed the new ads that have been running on TV called “Shingles: The Inside Story”. These commercials are intended to help educate people about shingles, which stems from the chickenpox virus that you may have contracted as a child and can lie dormant...
Elder Care: Quality is Lacking

Elder Care: Quality is Lacking

The U.S. population is getting older. Americans are living longer than ever before and, thanks to the enormity of the Baby Boomer generation, we’re aging at a faster rate than we’re reproducing. Life Matters Media reports that the population of Americans 85 and older...
Is Elder Abuse a National Crisis?

Is Elder Abuse a National Crisis?

When you place the care of your loved one in the hands of others, you invest a tremendous amount of trust in the promise that this care will be administered with compassion, kindness and attentiveness. You have a right to this trust. The health and well-being of an...
The Connection Between Gardening and Your Health

The Connection Between Gardening and Your Health

Calling all green thumbs! A new study being performed by researchers at the University of Wyoming found that people who spend time in a garden live healthier lives. The fourteen volunteers for the study all suffered from significant medical issues, including diabetes,...