The Dangers of Diet Soda Among Seniors

The Dangers of Diet Soda Among Seniors

Many people opt for diet soda beverages in an effort to prevent weigh gain and high sugar intake. Recent studies have shown however, that diet soda can actually sabotage this goal. A new study conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio...
Questions To Ask Your Doctor As You Age

Questions To Ask Your Doctor As You Age

According to Practice Fusion, patients over the age of 65 will have seen an average of 28.4 doctors over their lifetime. We place an incredible amount of trust in these men and women, even if the time we spend in their presence is often quite brief. Even the most...
Moving to Assisted Living vs. Aging In Place

Moving to Assisted Living vs. Aging In Place

Over the past few decades, older adults have been increasingly worried about how to plan for their future. With the fate of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security hanging in the balance, older adults are struggling to figure out whether they should attempt aging in...