Fall Costs, Risks and Prevention

Fall Costs, Risks and Prevention

The topic of falls in elderly populations can be uncomfortable to talk about, as a fall can be a devastating experience. According to the CDC, over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because of a fall injury, most often because of a broken hip or head injury....
Stress Management For New Caregivers

Stress Management For New Caregivers

The act of caring for an aging parent is not one that many plan in advance. Instead, caregivers are thrust into a scary, stressful, challenging situation out of necessity and love. Since many people do not have time to prepare, there is a lot of “learning on the job”...
Health Coverage for Everyone, Everywhere

Health Coverage for Everyone, Everywhere

This past weekend, in honor of World Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) promoted universal healthcare as this year’s World Health Day theme. The goal of universal healthcare is to achieve accessible and affordable health coverage for everyone, everywhere...
Exercise and Diabetes

Exercise and Diabetes

It is estimated that 29 million people are living with diabetes or prediabetes in the United States. Diabetes is a serious condition but it doesn’t have to be a debilitating one. Figuring out how to control diabetes in order to keep living a healthy life means...