10 Tips For Healthy Aging

10 Tips For Healthy Aging

The legend of the Fountain of Youth—a mythical spring that restores the youth of anyone who sips from it—has been part of the human experience for thousands of years. Early mentions of it appear in the writings of Herodotus in the 5th century B.C., although it wasn’t...
Foods Rich In Antioxidants For Healthy Aging

Foods Rich In Antioxidants For Healthy Aging

For hundreds of years, humans have been taken with the idea of finding a Fountain of Youth that can slow the aging process and help you look, and feel, younger forever. There’s even a tourist site in Florida dedicated to the legend of Ponce de Leon’s discovery of that...
Tips for Healthy Aging

Tips for Healthy Aging

Aging is one of the inevitabilities of life; it’s unavoidable. Over the years, our bodies begin to change both physically, and psychologically—where in many cases, it can be frustrating and debilitating. However, as September is Healthy Aging Month, we will examine...
Life Without Limits: A New Perspective on Aging

Life Without Limits: A New Perspective on Aging

There are unfortunately many misconceptions about what exactly aging means. People typically expect older adults to be dependent, stuck in their ways, uncomfortable with technology — just to name a few. Not only are these misconceptions damaging to the very concept of...