Heart Health: Surprise Risk Factors

Heart Health: Surprise Risk Factors

Did you know there are everyday activities that can increase your risk of heart disease? There are more surprise risk factors than you would think. We know diet, activity level, and stress play a large role in heart disease, but for older adults, fluctuating between...
Foods Rich In Antioxidants For Healthy Aging

Foods Rich In Antioxidants For Healthy Aging

For hundreds of years, humans have been taken with the idea of finding a Fountain of Youth that can slow the aging process and help you look, and feel, younger forever. There’s even a tourist site in Florida dedicated to the legend of Ponce de Leon’s discovery of that...
The Dangers of Diet Soda Among Seniors

The Dangers of Diet Soda Among Seniors

Many people opt for diet soda beverages in an effort to prevent weigh gain and high sugar intake. Recent studies have shown however, that diet soda can actually sabotage this goal. A new study conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio...