Use Labor Day For A Self-Care Day

Use Labor Day For A Self-Care Day

Labor Day is more than just an annual holiday that marks the end of summer. The original intent behind creating this federal holiday was to honor “the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, laws, and well-being of the country.”...
The Top 10 Tips for Caring for an Elderly Parent

The Top 10 Tips for Caring for an Elderly Parent

Written by guest blogger Sadie Cornelius, Our parents raise us from the day we are born well into early adulthood. However, there comes a tipping point in everyone’s life when the roles reverse. Unfortunately, it’s inevitable that our parents’...
The Cost of Caring For An Elderly Parent

The Cost of Caring For An Elderly Parent

Nearly 10,000 people turn 65 each day here in America. According to a 2015 Report on Caregiving in the United States from AARP, “an estimated 43.5 million adults in the United States have provided unpaid care to an adult or a child in the prior 12 months,” and as the...
Inspirational Words On Caregiving

Inspirational Words On Caregiving

Caring for an elderly parent can be rewarding, but also extremely frustrating and lonely at times. While your main goal of caregiving springs from a place of love, it can be quite easy to want to give up, especially when a parent is being stubborn. Luckily, you are...