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Caregiver Resource: Speech-Language Pathologist

Caregiver Resource: Speech-Language Pathologist

As a Caregiver, you could be tasked with finding specialists to help your loved one develop a better quality of life regardless of their condition. In this new Caregiver Resource series, we’ll be introducing specialists who are experts in their field and can help you...
The Many Health Benefits of Walking

The Many Health Benefits of Walking

For the elderly, staying active is a crucial part of the aging process. Senior citizens find themselves in a “use it, or lose it” situation – if they do not stay active they will lose the muscle mass and aerobic ability they need to stay active as...

My Loved One Had a Heart Attack…Now What?

Your loved one isn’t alone; every 37 seconds someone in the United States has a heart attack. Nearly 84 million adults suffer from cardiovascular disease, which can include coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke and high blood pressure. The good news is that...
The Connection Between High Anxiety and Stroke

The Connection Between High Anxiety and Stroke

We all get stressed out. It’s part of being human. Whether you’re carrying a heavy workload, mending a strained personal relationship or steering around a financial bump in the road, you’re going to experience anxiety in life. But how you handle that anxiety could...
What Is A BMI and Why Should I Care?

What Is A BMI and Why Should I Care?

There are no two ways about it. Obesity is a killer. The connection between your waistline and your life expectancy is grounded in sound science. Adults who are overweight are at a far greater risk for diabetes, stroke and heart disease. But how do you what your ideal...