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Celebrating Super Hero Caregivers

Celebrating Super Hero Caregivers

Caregivers, you are superheroes—the ones who do it all, no questions asked. The energy you expend to your loved ones is energy you deserve to invest back into yourself. With November being National Family Caregivers Month, now is the time to relax and recharge In 2020...
5 Ways Caregivers Can Focus On “Me Time”

5 Ways Caregivers Can Focus On “Me Time”

Caregiver burnout is a reality for many people this time of year, which makes incorporating self-care for caregivers into your routine that much more important.  A combination of guilt, time management, and family obligations are all valid reasons to prevent...
Seniors Beware: Scams are on the Rise

Seniors Beware: Scams are on the Rise

Scams geared towards seniors are nothing new; fraudsters have targeted the senior community in many different ways over the years. The pandemic has further opened the door for senior scams, with predators taking advantage of the isolation and uncertainty that COVID-19...
COVID-19: Staying Safe as States Begin to Reopen

COVID-19: Staying Safe as States Begin to Reopen

For some Americans, it’s been about 90 days since having to take to their homes to avoid contracting or spreading the novel coronavirus. Although the virus has not been eradicated in the U.S., or the world for that matter, the curve that we had talked about flattening...