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Why Is It Important to Know My Family Medical History?

Why Is It Important to Know My Family Medical History?

During an appointment with a family physician or healthcare provider, we’re often asked a number of questions surrounding our lifestyle habits, personal health history, and the health of our family members. Sharing this information can help inform current health...
What You Need to Know About Glaucoma

What You Need to Know About Glaucoma

Of all the conditions that impact your senses with age, glaucoma may be the hardest to see (no pun intended). According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, an estimated 2.2 million Americans may be living with glaucoma and only half of them are aware of their...
All About Shingles: What You Need To Know

All About Shingles: What You Need To Know

The pitfalls of aging can sometimes be painful, especially when it comes to shingles. The shingles virus, also known as varicella-zoster (chickenpox), can lie dormant for years, lingering in nerve cells. While many young children are affected by the chickenpox virus,...
10 Tips For Healthy Aging

10 Tips For Healthy Aging

The legend of the Fountain of Youth—a mythical spring that restores the youth of anyone who sips from it—has been part of the human experience for thousands of years. Early mentions of it appear in the writings of Herodotus in the 5th century B.C., although it wasn’t...
10 Tips To Help Promote Healthy Aging

10 Tips To Help Promote Healthy Aging

The legend of the Fountain of Youth—a mythical spring that restores the youth of anyone who sips from it—has been part of the human experience for thousands of years. Early mentions of it appear in the writings of Herodotus in the 5th century B.C., although it wasn’t...
Shingles and Seniors

Shingles and Seniors

When you were a kid, the chickenpox was probably not that big a deal. You’d stay home from school for a week, put on some calamine lotion, and do your best not to scratch. It was no fun but you got through it. Indeed, according to the CDC, one out of every three...