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Is There A Right Time To Stop Driving?

Is There A Right Time To Stop Driving?

When you’re a teenager, getting your license is a major step toward independence. Though you’ve gone through more changes than you probably care to remember since your teenage days, there’s one thing that hasn’t changed. Your car still feels like your ticket to...
Menopause and Migraines

Menopause and Migraines

Listening to your body is vital to understanding what it needs and figuring out the best ways to remain healthy. So what is your body saying about your migraines? Sure there are always causes for headaches in women, but a new study detailed on RedOrbit.com confirms...
Is Alzheimer’s Actually Type 3 Diabetes?

Is Alzheimer’s Actually Type 3 Diabetes?

By Hilary Young and Ashley Griffin You have probably met someone in your lifetime who has Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, but have you ever met someone who has Type 3 diabetes? A new study from Alpert Medical School at Brown University thinks that you have....
Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

A good night’s sleep can help you retain memories, stabilize your metabolism and ultimately keep you living longer. While occasional snoring is common for most people, sleep apnea can be a sign of trouble with other parts of your system. Sleep apnea is treatable,...
It Might Not Be Dementia: Hydrocephalus

It Might Not Be Dementia: Hydrocephalus

The first signs of memory loss can be quite alarming. With aging, you may begin to notice patterns of forgetfulness, repetition and declining mental clarity in yourself or a loved one. It’s only natural to worry that these are the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease...