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Have Researchers Found A New Way to Live Longer?

Have Researchers Found A New Way to Live Longer?

You might have heard that taking a low-dose of aspirin daily can help prevent a heart attack because it thins the blood. But a new study from researchers at Texas A&M University, College Station, found that ibuprofen might actually help to keep you living longer....
Home Alone: How Loneliness Affects the Elderly

Home Alone: How Loneliness Affects the Elderly

The month of January brings many new and exciting promises: another year has just begun, allowing you to tackle your resolutions for the year, and it may even bring the first snowfall of the season. However, now that the excitement of the holidays has ended, an often...
Sleep Apnea and The Dangers of Hypertension

Sleep Apnea and The Dangers of Hypertension

If you’ve ever slept next to someone who snores at night, or even slept in the same vicinity as someone who snores at night, you’re probably familiar with the painful sounds of sleep apnea. While not all snorer’s suffer from sleep apnea, studies have shown that about...
Seniors and Shingles

Seniors and Shingles

When you were a kid, the chickenpox were probably not that big a deal. You’d stay home from school for a week, put on some calamine lotion, and do your best not to scratch. It was no fun but you got through it. Indeed, according to the CDC, one out of every three...
Mindfulness and Meditation Can Make You Healthier

Mindfulness and Meditation Can Make You Healthier

Researchers and medical experts are coming increasingly to believe that what is good for the mind is good for the body. Medical Daily notes that studies have linked “mindfulness” to lower levels of stress, better anxiety management, reduced arthritic pain and a lower...
The Pros and Cons of Dentures

The Pros and Cons of Dentures

Your mouth is the first step in maintaining a healthy digestive system, and missing teeth or poor hygiene can affect the overall health of your body. Many older adults opt for dentures, which are less expensive than reconstructive dental surgery. While there are many...