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Stress and Your Health

Stress and Your Health

We all experience stress from time to time. Whether it’s figuring out how to balance your own life with the duties of caring for a loved one, worrying about your health, or feeling anxiety about money troubles–an extended amount of stress can really effect...
The Dangers of Ignoring Pains

The Dangers of Ignoring Pains

Remember when you were a kid playing sports in gym class? What happened if you banged your elbow or skinned your knee? Of course, the coach advised you to ‘walk it off!’ Well, not only are you no longer a kid in gym class, but it also turns out that that’s some pretty...
The Painful Truth About Shingles

The Painful Truth About Shingles

The unpleasant and itchy rash known as the chickenpox afflicted many of us as children. After about ten days and a bottle of Calamine lotion, the pain subsided and life as we knew it resumed. What you might not realize, however is that once the chickenpox virus has...
Pet Therapy: What Is It and Does It Work?

Pet Therapy: What Is It and Does It Work?

If you’ve ever had a cherished pet, you know how sensitive, intuitive and comforting a furry friend can be. The loyalty, companionship and unconditional love that you receive from your cat or dog can be exactly what the doctor ordered when you’re feeling lonely or...
The Importance of Vitamin D for Strong Bones

The Importance of Vitamin D for Strong Bones

You’ve probably heard about the importance of Vitamin D in maintaining strong and healthy bones later in life. The vitamin aids in the body’s production of calcium, which ultimately helps to fortify your skeletal structure. But researchers are finding that Vitamin D...
When Are Colonoscopies Too Dangerous?

When Are Colonoscopies Too Dangerous?

The colonoscopy is a routine diagnostic procedure and one with considerable potential benefits for those who receive routine screening. And, as an article in the New York Times points out, most physicians advise that adults over 50 should regularly visit the doctor...