MG Move – Charging

The MG Move should be charged daily. We recommend charging the device at night while sleeping. The watch takes about 4 hours to fully charge.
To Charge:
The Black Button is a physical button on the right-hand side of the watch and serves four functions:
  1. Open up the band before placing it on the charging cradle.
  2. Face the Red SOS button in an upward position and align the pins on the charging cradle with the back of the watch. Be sure the device is flush with the charging cradle and making contact.
  3. The watch will provide an audio prompt “Device Charging” and the charging cradle will display a red LED.
  4. When the watch is fully charged, the charging cradle will display a green LED.
  5. When the watch is removed from the charging cradle the device will announce “Watch not fully charged” or “Watch fully charged” depending on the status of the device.