MG Mini – Voice Notifications

The MG Mini has several voice notifications to alert the customer of certain actions. Click on the voice notifications listed to indicate the action happening.

"Device Ready"
Will state when the unit successfully starts 4G/LTE connection after being powered on.
Will state when the unit is charging
"Powering off"
Will state after the Info button is pressed four times
"Initiating help. Press and hold the help button to cancel."
Will state when the help button is pressed to trigger an alarm
"Fall detected. Press and hold the help button to cancel"
Will state when the alarm is activated by fall detection
Will state when the alarm begins reporting after guard time expires
"Call in progress."
Will state once every 10 seconds during reporting while connecting to the monitoring center.
"Call connected."
Will state when connected to the monitoring center successfully.
"Please stand by for an operator."
Will state once every 10 seconds after connecting to the monitoring center until an operator/Stella answers
"Call completed."
Will state after the 2-way call ends.
"Call canceled."
Will state once when pressing the help button for 5 seconds to cancel.
"Poor cellular connection. Please call 911."
Will state twice if the cellular unit is bad and can’t connect to the monitoring center. 911 will need to be dialed.
"Entering Test Mode. Press the help button to connect to the test center."
Will state when the Info button is quickly pressed twice.
"Enter pairing mode. Press the button on the peripheral to connect to the device."
Will state when the Info button is quickly pressed three times.
"Pairing completed."
Will state when the unit receives the signal from the peripheral to indicate is has trained the peripheral.