A Quick Tour

AReset Button
The Reset Button is used to complete a soft reset of the base station.

B2-Way Speaker
You can clearly hear and speak with an emergency operator using this speaker system.

CEmergency Call Button
Press this button in an emergency to contact our monitoring center.
DPower Indicator
This indicator confirms that the base station is powered on.
ECommunication Indicator
This indicator confirms that the base station is connected and shows communication status.
FMalfunction Indicator
This indicator lights up red if there is an issue with your system.
GNeck Pendant or Wristband
These waterproof, wearable buttons can trigger an emergency call up to 1,300 feet away from the base station.

Home Guardian Key Features


Your wearable buttons are waterproof and safe to wear in the shower. However, please avoid the following as they may cause damage: salt water, chlorine, and submerging it under water for more than 30 minutes.


You can take your device with you­­ when traveling! Simply call Customer Care when you arrive at your destination, and provide your updated address and phone number.


Your pendants provide up to 1,300 feet range of coverage to the base station.


In the event of a power outage, the base station is equipped with a 32-hour, rechargeable backup battery.

Base Station Indicators

Feature Symbol Meaning
Power Green, solid: Connected to power supply
Green, blinking: Operating on backup battery
Off: Base station has no power

Green, solid: Ready for call
Green, blinking: Sending a message
Red, solid: Communication failure
Red, blinking: Blocked transmission
Orange, solid: Connected to monitoring center
Malfunction Red, solid: Control panel / peripheral malfunction
Red, blinking: Supervisory lost
Emergency Call Button Red, solid: Monitoring center has received call
Red, blinking: Emergency call in progress
Off: No call in progress
Reset Button Orange, solid: Emergency Call button, or wearable button, has been pressed

Up next...

Home Guardian Set-Up and Installation


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