As we see the mercury steadily increase in our thermometers, we all know what that means – summer’s heat is on its way! Staying hydrated in the summer months is essential, especially for seniors, so why not include foods that help hydrate you into your diet?

The Importance of Hydration for Seniors

It’s recommended that senior men drink 13 cups of water a day and senior women drink 9 cups a day. Those numbers may seem high, but it’s important that seniors drink enough water. Why? According to Mayo Clinic, seniors become dehydrated much more quickly than other age groups for three reasons. As we age, we:

  1. Lose our ability to conserve water
  2. Become less aware of our thirst
  3. Have difficulty adjusting to extreme temperature changes

Two of the most common symptoms of dehydration are dizziness and lightheadedness, both of which greatly increase your risk of falling. If you’re worried about falling inside or outside of your home, a medical alert device from Medical Guardian can help! Unsure where to start? Click on the link below to download our free Buyer’s Guide to learn all you need to know to make the best purchase!

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Top Hydrating Foods

It can be easy to become dehydrated during summer’s intense heat, so if you’re looking for ways to make sure you’re consuming enough water, here are 7 foods that help hydrate you:

  1. Cucumbers. Cucumbers are definitely number one on our list because they are actually 95 percent water! As an added bonus, they’re also good sources of fiber and vitamin C. Cucumbers are a great addition to salads, but don’t forget that you can even include them in dips and soups.
  2. Salad Greens. Similar to cucumbers, salad greens are made up of more than 90 percent water, and they are even filled with nutrients like fiber, vitamin C, folate and beta carotene. Here are some healthy salad toppings that will help you absorb these nutrients.
  3. Strawberries. Strawberries are the fruit of the summer, and for good reason! Not only are they 91 percent water and provide the highest amount of vitamin C out of all the berries, but they’re also easy to include in your favorite summer recipes.
  4. Watermelon. Since they’re 92 percent water, it’s no wonder where watermelon got its name! Not only is it a good source of vitamin C, but it also contains an antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and even some types of cancer.
  5. Yogurt. We all know yogurt to be a good source of calcium, but it may be surprising that yogurt can also help hydrate you! What may be even more surprising is that fuller-fat yogurt contains more water while regular plain water is 85 to 88 percent water. Remember to look for the “live and active cultures” label as those kinds of yogurt contain beneficial probiotics.
  6. Papaya. We don’t often hear about the health benefits of papaya, but what could be better than a fruit made up of 88 percent water that provides three grams of fiber from just one cup?
  7. Butternut Squash. Along with being 88 percent water, a single cup of butternut squash is a great source of vitamin C, manganese, potassium and vitamin A, which boosts your eye health.

Whether you eat these seven foods by themselves or by mixing them in with your favorite recipes, all of these foods are bound to help you stay hydrated all summer long! Just don’t forget that when it comes to hydration, water is key.


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