It is no secret that exercise offers many health benefits for the body and mind. But did you know that inactivity may kill twice as many people as obesity? According to a new study at the Cambridge University, just 20 minutes of walking may cut the risk of premature death by a third.

Inactivity vs Activity

The researchers analyzed 334,161 participants and recorded their height, weight, activity level and waist circumference between the years of 1992 and 2000. Over the next twelve years they found that 21,438 volunteers had passed and that the participants whom were still alive had one thing in common, they were not totally inactive.

Twenty minutes a day is a great start to becoming more active on a daily basis. However, researchers still believe that you should be striving to do more. Government guidelines advise Britons to strive for 150 minutes of moderate activity a week or 75 minutes of intense exercise. Unfortunately, a recent survey showed that a third of the population does not walk 30 minutes over the course of seven days, even with walks to work, school, and the stores. Professor Nick Wareham, director of the Medical Research Council epidemiology at Cambridge believes although it is important to avoid levels of obesity, there needs to be a focus on how to encourage people to change their physical activity on an achievable level.

Another study at UT Southwestern Medical Centre found that walking can even help lower chances of developing chronic diseases by twenty percent, “We’ve determined that being fit is not just delaying the inevitable, but it is actually lowering the onset of chronic disease in the final years of life” says Dr. Jarret Berry, a senior author of the study. The results of this particular study found that people who had the highest level of midlife fitness were more unlikely to have chronic conditions than those with lower midlife fitness.

A Healthier Lifestyle

Incorporating fitness into your daily routine can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! Find ways to incorporate activity into your daily chores and hobbies.

Some examples of moderate activity are:

  • Gardening
  • Dancing
  • Brisk Walking
  • House Chores

More intense options include:

  • Hiking
  • Playing Sports
  • Running
  • Aerobics

It is never too late to start getting into a routine in which you can incorporate a daily walk! Rather than eat lunch at your desk, start taking time to walk around during your break. Make an effort to get a breath of fresh air at one point every day. Choose the stairs rather than the elevator; instead of emailing your co-worker across the office, go walk over to communicate. These simple, yet healthy habits will bring you down a healthier life style on a daily basis.


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