Super Bowl LII is one game football fans from around the country just can’t stop talking about—especially us Philadelphia Eagles fans.

It’s no secret the Eagles were underdogs not only in the Super Bowl, but in every playoff game after quarterback Carson Wentz was out with a torn ACL. With no surprise, the Birds embraced this status through latex (German shepherd) dog masks brought to America’s attention by players, Lane Johnson and Chris Long. Fans supported the ‘underdog masks’ so much, they were sold out on both Amazon and eBay within days.

While the New England Patriots own the record for most Super Bowls reached (eight) and won (five), the Philadelphia “Underdog” Eagles came out as a Top Dog, bringing home their first Super Bowl ring!

This underdog mentality is not only a powerful mentality to have in sports, but also in business.

In 2005, I founded Medical Guardian after my grandmother fell when she was home alone. I saw a need for a product that would both protect and provide independence to older individuals, like my grandmother. Understanding there was an opportunity to protect and save lives through a medical alert device, I dove into the industry when I was 25 years old.

Medical Guardian would not be the leading nationwide provider of medical alert systems for older adults without the mentality I had when I first founded the company—the underdog mentality.

Doubt Drives Passion

A lot of people will doubt you in life—your friends, families, acquaintances, and even yourself. It’s up to you to remember why you started in the first place. To push through those obstacles and failures that come your way (because they ultimately will) and move forward with passion. Remember, when everyone tells you an idea is crazy, you are probably onto something good!

Challenge Accepted

The term ‘underdog’ was given to you for a reason. You may have lost in the past or you may have less experience and credibility than your competition. Either way, don’t get discouraged, get determined. Not only should you accept the challenge that is ahead of you— you should dream of ways to exceed it.

Like Jason Kelce said during his live TV Super Bowl speech on the Art Museum steps in front of millions of fans, “We were a bunch of underdogs, and you know what an underdog is? It’s a hungry dog….hungry dogs run faster!”

Hungry for Success

To be successful, you must want it. You must want it like you’ve never wanted anything else in your life. Work-Life balance? Forget about it! Find what motivates you to do good work. Find what gets you out of bed each morning to inspire other people to also do good work. When you find that, you’ll know you’re on the right track.


Starting from the bottom, you realize how many opportunities lay ahead. It’s your job to evaluate each opportunity that comes your way—relating to your goals and mission. Remember, a door always closes for another door to open. Study companies and leaders you respect and try to learn from their successes. More importantly, avoid the mistakes you have witnessed in others and find better ways to get things done.

No “I” in Team

I’m excited to share this month that Medical Guardian has officially over 200 employees! The company would not be where it is today without our employees and leadership team. I knew when I first founded the company that I needed skilled leaders in each department to better ourselves, our customers and our services. We look forward to our continued growth and our mission of empowering our customers to live a life without limits!

Overall, like the Eagles, embrace the underdog mentality. While you have a lot to prove as an underdog, it’s always worth it in the end.

Stay up to date with Medical Guardian on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.


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