Self-care for caregivers shouldn’t get set aside just because the holiday season is upon us. Although this time of year can be stressful for everyone, it can be especially stressful for those who are also caring for aging loved ones. For caregivers, coming up with a system for holiday stress management is essential to preventing caregiver burnout.

Caregiver burnout can lead to serious health concerns for caregivers, which, in turn, can create lapses in the care they can provide to loved ones. While it might not seem feasible to make time for yourself this holiday season, it is imperative that you do so in order to stay healthy and be the best caregiver to your loved one. Avoid caregiver burnout this holiday season with these easy and achievable self-care tips:

Plan A Night In

When it comes to holiday stress management, learning how to say ‘no’ to others and ‘yes’ to yourself is an invaluable tool. The holiday season is usually filled to the brim with merriment–family dinners, holiday parties, and other social obligations–but that can also be draining on your energy levels. Scheduling in a night (or even a full weekend!) where you stay in and relax can help you recharge your batteries and avoid caregiver burnout.

Organize A Gift Exchange

Sometimes self-care for caregivers means creating new traditions and this year you can organize a gift exchange with family or friends to cut down on holiday shopping. In addition to reducing your stress levels by cutting your gift list in half (or more!), a gift exchange is also a great way to do your holiday shopping on a budget this year.

Grab The Takeout Menu

Cooking every night just isn’t a reality during a stressful holiday season. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself and commit to ordering in at least once a week to take something off your plate. Also, consider skipping weekly trips to the grocery store and do your grocery shopping online, complete with door-to-door delivery service. It might seem indulgent, but it’s a great tool for holiday stress management.

Invest In A Medical Alert System

Caregivers can’t be everywhere all the time, although sometimes it certainly does feel as though that is the reality. If you’re concerned about your aging loved one experiencing a fall or a medical emergency in your absence, consider purchasing them a Medical Guardian medical alert system for the holidays. When used properly, Medical Guardian is guaranteed to provide your loved one with a helping hand 24/7/365. This will provide you with more peace of mind at night, at work, or on a rare night to yourself, and help you avoid caregiver burnout.

Commit To Quiet Time

With so much chaos surrounding us this time of year, taking the time to be quiet and still is a priceless gift when it comes to holiday stress management. Whether you indulge in quietly reading a book for 20 minutes every day, silently meditate to help calm the body and mind, or go for a walk or a run without talking to anyone, these methods of self-care for caregivers are essential for preserving your sanity this holiday season (and beyond).


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