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Elder Care: Quality is Lacking

Elder Care: Quality is Lacking

The U.S. population is getting older. Americans are living longer than ever before and, thanks to the enormity of the Baby Boomer generation, we’re aging at a faster rate than we’re reproducing. Life Matters Media reports that the population of Americans 85 and older...
Watching Your Waistline This Holiday Season

Watching Your Waistline This Holiday Season

The holidays are typified by indulgence. A season that is filled with food, candy, increased spending, and traveling – the holidays can be a challenge to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Keeping a firm handle on one’s health is especially important to senior citizens who...
Caregiver Denial: Getting Over the Hump

Caregiver Denial: Getting Over the Hump

When a parent or loved one begins to show serious signs of aging or illness, it can be difficult to accept certain realities. For many, the role reversal from parent and child to patient and caregiver is a tough pill to swallow. It might be fair to say that the role...
Low-Calorie Snack: Mini Spinach Calzones

Low-Calorie Snack: Mini Spinach Calzones

Looking for a low-calorie snack that also has some health benefits? We’ve got just the recipe: mini-spinach calzones. While they may be small, they pack a lot of punch in the flavor and health department. As the cartoon Popeye taught us, spinach is a super-food that...
Balance Training Is Proven to Prevent Falls

Balance Training Is Proven to Prevent Falls

A new study published by researchers at the French Institute of Health and Medical Research found that exercises that improve balance can also help to prevent falls and injuries caused by falls in seniors. Lead researcher Fabienne El-Khoury said that “reducing the...
Tips for Raising Grandchildren

Tips for Raising Grandchildren

Life is unpredictable and can change in an instant. Right as you are planning your retirement and preparing to enjoy a rest that has been well earned – life changes! You suddenly find yourself taking on the ultimate responsibility – a child’s life. For...