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8 Tips to Help Reduce Your Medical Bills

8 Tips to Help Reduce Your Medical Bills

The cost of living for older adults is challenging enough with social security checks getting smaller and retirement funds being drained. Plus, it doesn’t help that health care is not becoming more affordable and medical bills can pile up before the blink of an eye!...
How to Maximize Your Tax Refund

How to Maximize Your Tax Refund

As Tax Day falls on Monday, April 15th this year, chances are high that you’ve already completed your taxes for the 2018 fiscal year and are awaiting your tax refund money. Although there were some early reports that tax refunds weren’t as high this year as in years...
How to Avoid Tax Fraud Scams

How to Avoid Tax Fraud Scams

It’s tax season, which also means that scammers who commit tax fraud are trying to beat the system. Tax refund fraud and identity theft are the most common types of tax scams. In 2016, the IRS “rejected or suspended the processing of 4.8 million suspicious returns,”...
4 Money Tips to Help You Manage Your Holiday Spending

4 Money Tips to Help You Manage Your Holiday Spending

It’s the most wonderful time of year—and the most expensive. The air is filled with joy and laughter, but there are also other overwhelming feelings making their way around; anxiety flips through the air as each sound of a credit card swiping gets louder and louder....
Spring Clean Your Personal Finances

Spring Clean Your Personal Finances

Spring is upon us! To many, spring means spring cleaning—but spring cleaning doesn’t just have to mean tidying up the house and ridding yourself of unwanted junk. Financial spring cleaning, including cleaning up your spending habits or polishing up your budget,...