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Special Flooring Reduces the Risk of Falls

Special Flooring Reduces the Risk of Falls

A common fear among the elderly is the fear of falling, and when analyzing current statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is not difficult to understand why. One out of every three adults aged 65 or older fall throughout the course of a...
The Link Between Sleep and Diabetes

The Link Between Sleep and Diabetes

Ah, a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, many Americans struggle to experience the benefits of a full night’s rest. Rather than just feeling grouchy and tired, lack of sleep may have more of a negative effect on your body than you might think. A new study conducted at...
Revolutionary New Stroke Treatment

Revolutionary New Stroke Treatment

We’re all too familiar with the phrase, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This phrase seems to perfectly summarize researchers’ search to find a treatment for those living with long-term disabilities due to a stroke. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon...
Study Finds Statins Don’t Reduce Parkinson’s Risk

Study Finds Statins Don’t Reduce Parkinson’s Risk

New studies led by researchers at Penn State College may have found that statins, cholesterol lowering drugs, do not reduce Parkinson’s risk after all. Currently there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease, a neurological disorder that is caused by the death of dopamine...
Breath Test Can Be Early Detector of Parkinson’s

Breath Test Can Be Early Detector of Parkinson’s

There is still no cure for Parkinson’s disease, a haunting neurological condition that can severely affect the body’s movement. It is a progressive disease that can ultimately prevent one’s ability to walk, talk and even sleep. Currently, there are no tests that can...
Hope for Parkinson’s Patients in PDGF Trial

Hope for Parkinson’s Patients in PDGF Trial

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a brain disorder that stops producing dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for regulating one’s movement and emotions. Within PD patients, the lack of dopamine results in shaking, slow movements and postural instability. As the...