Health Benefits for Seniors Who Volunteer

Health Benefits for Seniors Who Volunteer

For Seniors, volunteering comes with many emotional, mental, and physical health benefits, including better cognition, a longer life, and reduced depression. Since nearly 25% of people who volunteer are over 65, there’s a strong possibility that volunteering...
Senior-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities

Senior-Friendly Volunteer Opportunities

The many health benefits of volunteering your time to a worthy cause later in life have been well established. From forging new social connections to combat loneliness and isolation to help you stay physically and cognitively sharp, volunteer opportunities for seniors...
How Volunteering Benefits Your Business

How Volunteering Benefits Your Business

Here at Medical Guardian, one of our core values is “Passion for Purpose” which means we care deeply about the impact of the services we provide and the communities we support. In recent years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)—which benefits both business and...
Rediscover Your Sense Of Purpose

Rediscover Your Sense Of Purpose

Most people look forward to their retirement; in the months and years leading up to signing retirement papers, their dreams are filled with thoughts of travel, leisure activities, lunch with friends, time with family and the ability to pursue new hobbies. But the...