All About Shingles: What You Need To Know

All About Shingles: What You Need To Know

The pitfalls of aging can sometimes be painful, especially when it comes to shingles. The shingles virus, also known as varicella-zoster (chickenpox), can lie dormant for years, lingering in nerve cells. While many young children are affected by the chickenpox virus,...
Shingles and Seniors

Shingles and Seniors

When you were a kid, the chickenpox was probably not that big a deal. You’d stay home from school for a week, put on some calamine lotion, and do your best not to scratch. It was no fun but you got through it. Indeed, according to the CDC, one out of every three...
The Importance of Getting a Shingles Shot

The Importance of Getting a Shingles Shot

Did you know that shingles can impact the body to the point that the pain never goes away? Unfortunately many people are uneducated about shingles until they experience the painful, contagious rash. As we age, we become more at risk for developing shingles, making...