Cyber Safety For Seniors: Avoiding Online Scams

Cyber Safety For Seniors: Avoiding Online Scams

It’s hard to avoid talk of cybercrimes these days. It seems as though every day, the news shares stories about cyber attacks; at this point, it’s almost impossible not to know someone who has been affected by cybercrime. And while the internet has been a powerful and...
Protect Yourself from Senior Scams

Protect Yourself from Senior Scams

We live in an incredible age. Technology, like the internet and mobile telephones, has created amazing opportunities for us stay informed about current events, to correspond with family members and even to view the latest pictures of our grandchildren while they’re...
Holiday Fraud and Senior Scams

Holiday Fraud and Senior Scams

Approximately $37 billion a year is stolen from America’s older citizens, as 5 million older Americans are financially exploited every year by scammers (according to a 2018 Bloomberg article). We’ve partnered with LifeLock to share the depth of identity...
6 Ways to Help You Shop Safely this Holiday Season

6 Ways to Help You Shop Safely this Holiday Season

As you prepare your shopping and gift lists, it’s important to keep the security and privacy of your personal information, Internet-connected devices, and new purchases at the forefront. To make this easier, we are covering what you should be aware of before, during,...