Senior housing offers variety to meet the Baby Boomer surge
According to The New York Times, the senior housing market is changing. This new growth is...
Risk of falling still barrier to aging-in-place
A recent study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), found that while federal...
Pandemic isolation gave seniors more confidence to age-in-place
A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that the...
Older adults are enjoying more years healthier & independent
For people 65 and up, independent, disability-free years rose not only among healthy seniors, but...
Will Social Security Benefits Last After 2035?
It was recently made public that America’s Social Security program might not be able to pay out...
Why Seniors Are Working Longer Than Ever Before
Here in the U.S., retirement used to be a given by the age of 65, but that no longer seems to be...
The Difference Between Real Telemedicine Services vs. Scams
On April 9, 2019, the FBI announced and officials from the Department of Justice announced that...
Will the Affordable Care Act Be Replaced?
This past Monday, the Department of Justice took unprecedented action against the Affordable Care...
Can You Be Too Young For A Stroke?
When news broke late last week that actor Luke Perry had suffered a stroke at the age of 52, it...
What’s Happening With The Affordable Care Act?
As of the close of enrollment for Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA),...