Caregiver Corner
How to Convince a Loved One to Wear a Medical Alert Device
Medical devices often improve your parents' and loved ones' quality of life. A fall alert necklace...
Six ways to help seniors stay active when aging in place
Aging in place refers to continuing to live in your home as you grow older. This can be a...
Difference between a medical alert & medical identification bracelets
If you’re in the market for an easy-to-wear medical bracelet, there are many to choose from. So...
Are Medical Alerts an alternative to in-home care?
This article shares the costs of home health care, the growing shortage of home health providers,...
Celebrating Super Hero Caregivers
Caregivers, you are superheroes—the ones who do it all, no questions asked. The energy you expend...
5 Ways Caregivers Can Focus On “Me Time”
Caregiver burnout is a reality for many people this time of year, which makes incorporating...
Talking To Your Parents About the Dangers of Senior Falls
Experiencing a fall as you age is always scary, but even more so when it has serious medical...
How To Talk To Your Loved One About Scams
Earlier this year, the Senate Special Committee on Aging found that one in 10 Americans over the...
Caregivers: When to Take Over Your Parent’s Finances
Keeping your loved one healthy, safe, and comfortable are often what we think about when talking...
The 10 Steps to Become A Stress-Free Caregiver
The reality of being a caregiver for an aging loved one can be remarkably stressful. Between the...