A runny nose. Itchy, watery eyes. Non-stop sneezing. These are some of the most common warning signs that someone is suffering from allergies. We’re sure like many of you, these pesky symptoms plague us during these spring months when the weather changes so drastically. If only there was some way to cure allergies…

Well, we have some good news: while a healthy diet can’t cure allergies, there are some foods that help ease allergy symptoms!

Combating Allergies with Your Diet

For a simple way to help you survive allergy season, check out these six foods that help ease allergy symptoms according to WebMD so you can get back to enjoying the warm spring weather in no time!

  1. Foods with quercetin. If you’re like us, you may be wondering what quercetin is. Quercetin is actually a natural plant chemical that reduces one’s reaction to histamine, which is part of your response to allergies. Don’t worry – it’s easier to find foods with quercetin than you may think! Onions, peppers, berries, and parsley are all great (and tasty) options.
  2. Foods with vitamin C. Similar to the foods outlined above, foods with vitamin C also help cut down your response to histamines. We’re sure you know a bunch of food that is packed with vitamin C, and some of the best foods to turn to include kiwi, oranges and other citrus fruits.
  3. Pineapple. Along with being delicious, pineapple also has bromelain, an enzyme that can actually reduce irritation if you suffer from allergic diseases. Pineapple is an especially great option for those with asthma.
  4. Foods with Omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that foods with Omega-3 fatty acids actually reduce inflammation, and luckily, there’s a bunch of food to choose from that have this beneficial ingredient! Tuna, salmon and mackerel all contain Omega-3 fatty acids. To get the most of these benefits, it’s suggested that you eat two servings of fish a week.
  5. Kefir. You may not be as familiar with kefir, which is actually just a yogurt drink containing probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that may help you prevent and even manage your seasonal allergy symptoms. Fermented foods also contain probiotics. When shopping, look for yogurts with the words “live active cultures” on the label. If you’re not the biggest fan of yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut are two other good options.
  6. Local honey. Honey is another easy food item that you can include in your diet, but when it comes to preventing and managing allergy symptoms, it’s best to start consuming small doses of honey when allergy season first begins in your area. So what exactly makes honey so powerful in preventing allergies? Although it’s not definitive, many researchers believe that consuming honey before allergy season really picks up actually helps you build up a tolerance to the pollen in your area. How successful local honey is in preventing allergies really depends on the individual, but it’s worth a shot!

While none of these foods are a definitive cure for allergies, foods like fruits and vegetables that are packed with nutrients may not only help you ease your allergy symptoms, but they will most definitely keep you healthy!

If you’re looking for other tips, click here to learn how you can survive allergy season this spring.


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