Brandon Leonard, MA, EMT-CC, Ambulance Medical Technician with the Nassau County Police Department, in Long Island, New York, has tended to a multitude of elderly patients throughout his career. He’s picked up some helpful tips along the way and has offered to share them with the MG Community.

  1. As you age, you will very likely begin taking a certain medication regimen during your day. Be sure to have a list of the medication names and dosages, along with your pedigree and emergency contacts. This list is very valuable in times of emergency. Police, EMS and Fire Department personnel will need this information should you need their services in time of medical need.
  2. In the event that you have Advanced Directives (ie: Living Will, Do Not Resuscitate [DNR] Orders or Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment [MOLST] forms), please know where they are and be prepared to present them to EMS personnel. Delayed presentation or the inability to present these forms may force the EMS personnel to carry out their life saving responsibilities even if the unfounded paperwork dictates that no actions are to be carried out. These forms are ultimately the wishes of the family and are supported and authorized by the patient’s medical physician. At this time, one can imagine the conundrum that will ensue.
  3. Provided you get along with your neighbors, be sure to leave someone in the area a key to your residence. In the event that you cannot make it to the door in the time of an emergency, Police, EMS and Fire Department personnel can make entry into your home swiftly and will not have to force access.
  4. As you age, the need to visit the hospital commonly increases. Should you need frequent assistance from EMS, you may want to consider situating yourself in an easily accessible part of the home. This will facilitate the job of the EMS personnel and ultimately allow them to treat you and transport you more quickly and efficiently.

When you sign up with Medical Guardian, our Life Safety Representatives not only enter your medical information into an easily-accessible database for the Emergency Response Team, they also will provide you with a free lockbox, which enables you to keep a key secured outside your home for emergencies. Doesn’t it feel good to check things off your list?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

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