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Falls can have a major impact on an older adult’s quality of life and although there are a lot of resources that focus on Fall prevention for seniors — what happens after one occurs? It can be incredibly difficult to learn how to live Life Without Limits again and permanent or temporary decreases in mobility can impact an older adult’s overall confidence. 

Both regaining one’s confidence after a Fall and preventing another one from happening involve a combination of practices that aren’t mutually exclusive. Fall prevention can include removing tripping hazards from your home, increasing mobility with low-impact exercise for seniors, working with a trusted doctor to create a care plan, or even methods of Self-Care that focus on Mental Health — as confidence can ultimately come from knowing that you are living a safe and fulfilling life. 

Exercise for Fall Prevention

Finding simple ways to keep your body moving can have a positive impact on your recovery and the overall future of your health. Don’t worry, it won’t require an expensive gym membership or entail a workout outside of your comfort zone — low-impact exercise for seniors, such as walking, can improve mobility and help older adults avoid future Falls. Best part? Getting started can be as simple as enlisting a friend or family member to take a stroll around the neighborhood with you!

If you’d prefer an at-home workout, try one of the many free classes online that focus on exercise for seniors — helping you improve your balance through low-impact stretching, Tai Chi, or even yoga

Tidy Up & Reduce Fall Risks

One of the most impactful ways you can work towards reducing your risk for Falls is through removing potential tripping hazards and clutter from your home. This can be accomplished with the KonMari Method of Tidying Up — which breaks down the process of decluttering into easy, actionable steps — helping the task feel a lot less daunting! This type of Fall prevention for seniors is relatively inexpensive to accomplish but can help older adults save up to $30,000 in avoidable, Fall-related healthcare expenses.  

In addition to Fall prevention, reclaiming your home through thoughtful organization and cleaning creates an opportunity for older adults to mentally refresh after a medical emergency. Finishing up home-related projects can help seniors feel more at ease, reduce feelings of anxiety or depression, and positively impact their overall mood.

Create a Care Plan with Your Doctor 

When was the last time you had an eye exam? Are you taking a new medication? Have you been feeling different lately? These are all questions you should be reviewing with a trusted physician, as they could be impacting your balance or mobility. After you experience a Fall, be sure to schedule an appointment with your primary care provider in order to ensure that you are fully supported in terms of recovery. They will be able to assess potential risk factors and create actionable steps you can follow to improve your health — helping you avoid Falls and live #LifeWithoutLimits. 

Self-Care for Fall Prevention 

Our mental health can have a lot of influence on the more traditional measures of wellness — meaning that it is incredibly important to make sure that we are creating space for ourselves to enjoy the things and people that we love. This can ensure that we are staying active physically and mentally while also leading more fulfilling lives. Self-Care can include anything from organizing a weekly dinner out with a family member, joining a bookclub, or regularly seeing a therapist.

Medical Alert Systems & Fall Prevention 

Preventing Falls from happening a second time not only can help a senior improve their health, but also maintain their independence as they age in place. Although a medical alert system is not a preventative tool, it can be incredibly useful in keeping seniors living independently and at home longer.

A medical alert system is more than just a piece of technology, it provides both seniors and their loved ones with the peace of mind they deserve. With a medical alert system, like one from Medical Guardian, you won’t have to worry about Falls or another life-threatening emergency going unnoticed anymore!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

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