Top Fitness Trends of 2014

  • December 5, 2014
Top Fitness Trends of 2014

How will you remember 2014? As the year that you began your retirement? As the year you took a ballroom dancing class? As the year that you got hooked on Downton Abbey?

Or maybe this was the year that you decided to get in shape.

According to Fitness Together, 2014 was a great year for seniors and exercise. With the health-minded Baby Boomer generation increasingly crossing over into retirement, more seniors than ever before are recognizing the importance of an active lifestyle and taking a vested interest in their fitness.

But what were the most popular outlets for the active senior this year? The American College of Sports Medicine recently released the results of its annual Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends and the list reveals a ton of activities that are perfect for the active and aging individual. We’ll consider a few of these fitness trends that are best-suited to the unique needs of seniors.

Working With a Certified Trainer

More than ever before, aging adults are dedicated not just to getting into shape but to doing it the right way. Many, therefore, are turning to certified fitness professionals or personal trainers for guidance, motivation, and instruction. This is a great step either for those who are hoping to refine and improve an exercise regimen and for those who are just entering a gym for the first time in their lives. A fitness professional could help to place you on the path to better health.

Strength Training

In 2014, weightlifting wasn’t just for bodybuilders and football players. With emergent research demonstrating the importance of keeping your muscles toned, active, and engaged as you get older, low-impact weigh-lifting is becoming popular among seniors. In fact, strength training with resistance bands or low weight dumbbells is especially important as you age. A good weightlifting routine can help you to slow the pace of muscle loss, minimize injury, improve balance, maintain mobility, and retain flexibility.

Corrective Exercises

The American College of Sports Medicine points out that, with the increased interest in fitness among older adults, corrective exercises represented a rising trend in 2014. Many seniors may be exploring fitness for the first time, or at least for the first time in many years. For these seniors, jumping headlong into the wrong exercise routine can be dangerous or counterproductive. The first step for many seniors is to address any physical impediments to developing an optimal routine. With corrective exercise, a trainer or physical therapist will help you identify any problems with your posture or gait. Once these obstacles are identified, your trainer can help you to develop the fitness plan that makes sense for you.

Group Fitness

In 2014, seniors opted for fitness with a social spin. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, many older Americans found participation in fitness classes or engagement in small exercise groups to be a prime motivator. Combing fitness with the opportunity to meet friends, socialize, and provide mutual motivation proved a popular trend this past year.

Of course, if you haven’t done any of these things in 2014, don’t worry. The New Year is just around the corner. Consider fitting some of these fitness strategies into your Resolution!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Medical Guardian is a leading provider of innovative medical alert systems that empower people to live a life without limits.

KEYWORDS: fitness trends 2014

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