According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s Disease, which is currently the 6th leading cause of death here in the U.S. People diagnosed with Alzheimer’s aren’t the only ones suffering; In 2013, 15.5 million caregivers provided over an estimated 17 billion hours of unpaid care to their loved ones.

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis might seem like a death sentence, but researchers at UCLA have found a treatment to help the early stages of Alzheimer’s and memory loss.

What’s the Protocol?

Dr. Dale E. Bredesen explains that Alzheimer’s is a complicated disease affected by sleep, diet and exercise. The researchers identified these three pillars of lifestyle as major contributors to the early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. The team at UCLA ran a trial with 10 early stage patients of Alzheimer’s called MEND (Metabolic Enhancement of Neuro Degeneration). The trial mandated that patients make dramatic lifestyle changes, including the following:

  • Avoiding simple carbohydrates
  • Avoiding Gluten and processed foods
  • Increasing fish intake
  • Reducing stress by doing yoga
  • Meditated twice a day for 20 minutes
  • Taking melatonin at night
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Taking Methylcobalamin (B12 vitamin)
  • Taking vitamin D3
  • Incorporating fish oil in their diet

Within six months of following the UCLA protocol, the ten patients saw a major improvement in their cognitive function. Memories weren’t so easily lost and nerves were set to rest as they did not have to fear the progression of Alzheimer’s. The trial patients also stated that after two years of following the MEND protocol, the improvements on their memory have remained and their early stage Alzheimer’s has not progressed.

If you think you are a candidate for this pill-free and therapeutic program, talk to your doctor to see if this treatment could be a viable option for you. And if you haven’t yet noticed any cognitive impairment, implementing these lifestyle changes now could potentially keep the disease at bay–helping you live a longer, healthier life.


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