As a caregiver, it’s not uncommon to feel a wide variety of emotions within a short amount of time. One minute, you could feel so stressed you’re not even sure how you’ll get it all done, and the next you could be laughing with your loved one and feel so grateful that you are able to spend this precious time with them. To help caregivers find a balance among these ever-changing emotions, journaling has recently become a popular activity among caregivers.

But now, there’s another new caregiving trend on the rise: blogging caregivers.

An Online Support System

Similar to journaling, blogging offers caregivers the opportunity to gain new insight into their daily lives and see the impact they have on their loved one’s life. Writing often provides clarity and a new point of view, which can help promote one’s sense of self-worth. To make it even better, both journaling and blogging reduce stress levels, which can have serious health benefits for caregivers.

Even though blogging has many of the same benefits as journaling, there are some ways in which blogging differs from journaling. Probably the most obvious difference is that blogging caregivers have the opportunity to connect with an online support system. Having a support system is essential for all caregivers, whether it’s online or through a support group, to help you avoid becoming isolated as a caregiver. An added bonus is that an online support system gives you access to people who can offer solutions and advice to a problem you may be experiencing.

Another benefit is that you may be more likely to consistently write either daily, weekly or monthly blog posts rather than journal entries since a blog gives you the opportunity to connect with your followers. If you’re just journaling for yourself, it can be easier to simply put off journaling for the day instead of taking the necessary time to de-stress.

Even groups and pages on social media sites like Facebook can help caregivers connect with one another – after all, these are the people who know exactly what you are going through.

Great Blogs for Caregivers

For those who are not yet comfortable writing and sharing their own blog posts online, it might be better to start off writing in your personal journal. This way you can still experience these benefits at your own comfort level.

It may also help to follow certain blogs. Simply Google “blogs for caregivers” and you’ll find numerous blogs for you to choose from, but if you’re looking for the best of the best, here are three great blogs coming from caregivers just like you:

  1. The Caregiver’s Voice: If you’re looking for advice and encouragement, this blog is a great place to start.
  2. eCare Diary: This blog will help keep you up to date on all the recent caregiver and healthcare news along with helpful resources and tools like a free Care Diary, which helps you keep track of your loved one’s medications, contacts and calendar.
  3. Edlercare ABC Blog: Along with offering helpful articles, this blog is all “about being connected” with other caregivers.

Blogging caregivers may be a relatively new trend, but it seems that this trend may be here to stay. And above all, remember: it doesn’t matter whether it’s through journaling, blogging or any other activity – just find time every day to focus on you to help you become the best possible caregiver for your loved one.


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