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Where You Live Can Affect Your Health

Where You Live Can Affect Your Health

The health of our nation is a recent hot topic for news commentators, columnists, and bloggers. It is no secret that America has an obesity problem, a struggling health care system, and a rapidly increasing senior citizen population that is truly underserved. There...
4 Affordable Alternatives to Assisted Living

4 Affordable Alternatives to Assisted Living

It’s common for independent living to become difficult with age. This is true for various reasons; the loss of a spouse no longer makes a person feel comfortable being alone in a big house. No longer having the ability to drive increases the need to be closer to an...
Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Hip Surgery

Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Hip Surgery

Written by Brandon Leonard, MA and Adam Bitterman, DO Hip fractures often require surgical intervention. There are a limited number of circumstances where performing surgery would not be the treatment of choice including: patients designated for hospice/palliative...
Fitness Tips to Combat Muscle Loss as You Age

Fitness Tips to Combat Muscle Loss as You Age

Did you ever get the feeling that you might be shrinking? Your shoulders aren’t as wide as they once were. Last time you checked, that jacket was just a little tighter around the arms. You aren’t filling out that full-length mirror the way you used to. Well it may not...
Baby Boomers and Caregivers: What You Need to Know

Baby Boomers and Caregivers: What You Need to Know

Of the 42.1 million American adults who are currently serving as caregivers for loved ones, 14 percent provide care for someone 80 or older, 9 percent care for someone 60 to 79, and 7 percent care for someone 18 to 59. By the time these caregivers, who are now aged 46...
Brain-Boosting Foods

Brain-Boosting Foods

Physical ailments and health problems are very common for aging seniors, but one of the most distressing conditions is dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Stripping seniors of what is most valuable – their memories, Alzheimer’s is a heart wrenching ordeal for the...