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How Menopause Affects Your Health

How Menopause Affects Your Health

In the years between menstruation and menopause, women experience many physical and hormonal changes. And, contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t stop after menopause. While menopause affects each woman differently, one common denominator is that menopause comes with...
Know the Heart Attack Symptoms for Women

Know the Heart Attack Symptoms for Women

Deanna from Nevada was relaxing at home one evening when she started experiencing chest pain. Marilyn from Illinois immediately knew that something was wrong when her neck suddenly became very stiff. And Evelyn from New Jersey realized she needed help when she felt...
Be A Better You: Forget The Stress, Live In The Now

Be A Better You: Forget The Stress, Live In The Now

As we enter adulthood and start feeling the weight of responsibility, it’s easy for stress to creep into our lives. And in some cases, stress can be a good thing, serving as a powerful motivator at work or in school. But when stress starts to have an effect on our...
Why MS Is So Hard To Diagnose

Why MS Is So Hard To Diagnose

Multiple Sclerosis affects more than 2.3 million people across the globe, but it remains one of the more difficult diseases to diagnose. Symptoms typically appear between the ages of 20 and 50–a thirty year gap, which often lends itself to being initially...
FAQs on Multiple Sclerosis

FAQs on Multiple Sclerosis

When you hear the term ‘chronic condition,’ you may think of heart disease, diabetes or arthritis, but there are many more conditions that are often overlooked until you or someone you know is diagnosed. One such disease, for example, is multiple sclerosis. Although...
Baby Boomers and Hepatitis C

Baby Boomers and Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C has popped up in the news over the years, but mainly when it’s announced that a celebrity has contracted the disease. From actress Pamela Anderson to rocker Steven Tyler, celebrities have been able to call attention to this mysterious disease, which has...