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What to Look for in a Medical Alert Device Company

What to Look for in a Medical Alert Device Company

As a savvy consumer, you wouldn’t buy a house or rent an apartment without asking questions about the property first. You also wouldn’t buy the first car you see without learning about its features. And just as you would seek buying advice and do extensive research...
How To Tell If Your Parent Needs A Medical Alert System

How To Tell If Your Parent Needs A Medical Alert System

There is an old expression about the fact that you cannot plan for everything in life: “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” This is true at all stages of life: you can plan for being hired for a great job out of college, but there is no guarantee; you...
Helping Mom Stay Empowered With Age

Helping Mom Stay Empowered With Age

The older you get, the more you hear people say, “age is just a number!” And while that is true, it’s not uncommon for caregivers to start encouraging their loved ones to “play it safe” as they progress through the years. But growing older doesn’t have to mean giving...
How To Know If A Parent Is Silently Struggling At Home

How To Know If A Parent Is Silently Struggling At Home

When you are responsible for helping aging parents who are still living at home (either yours or theirs), it can be challenging to know what changes in behavior might occur as a natural part of aging or as a sign of a bigger problem. After all, it’s not like anyone...